Hola from Puerto Vallarta (Español lesson - ll is y in espanol, a la TORTILLA),
I am going to talk about my day of travel.
I left Nelson at 7:40 am to hit up the big smoke. I watched {Hey Dolly in the lounge before boarding to LA at 1:05. It was very long... 12 hours... they served us food on LA time which Ithought was dumb because everyone on the plane was on NZ time... so dinner was at like 2.30pm and then breakfast was at like midnight... whhhhaaaatTtttt
I didn't sleep much - I knew this would happen. I can¿t sleep on planes cause I'm busy being anxious. Now for the movie run down: I watched [New York, I love you, which was the 2nd attempt at Paris, JE Taime .. only this one is set in NYC obviously. I liked it a lot.
I think there were more memorable scenes in Paris but then again I like every scene in this one, unlike Paris.
Paris jetaime is short scenes all based on love in Paris (and NY in NY) by different directors. It{s cool to see what they create.... wow this is boring! But the scene with the Elderly couple is soooooo grrreeaattt.
Then I watched... I think it is called [Mother and Daughter ?? It is about adoption and I really liked this too... although some parts weren{t good I thought... but it is one of those bittersweet ones. Annette Benning is muy bien!
Next I tried to sleep... after not much success (including 1 s}toldler and 1 baby who screamed allll night¿flight.-. one being Liam, a gorgeous blonde 14 month old who I entertained for hours,but he kept screaming louder and louder ..happy screams though... draining).
After not much success I watched Bran Nu Dae which I{ve been wanting to see for agggesss- it{s an Aussie musicale that came out last year. It was muy bien. Short I thought.. but good. The best song is There is nothing I would rather be than to be an aboriginee. Amazing.
For dinner it was braised chicken, which of course I didn{t touch, and mashed potatos. I was sooo hungry and damn were those potatos ammmazing. Unfortunately I can{t say the same for the Scrambled eggs the next morn coz they were S T A N K.
LA airports were sooo thrilling becuase there were African Americans everywhere. In case you didn{t know, I am racist towards dem white folk. Only about 2 staff of about 150 I saw weren{t AfAm.. but you guessed it ¿ they were latina of course! All the women in LA airport (guests, not staff) were disgustingly smacking (is that the right word?) Gum. I don{t think they couldve openied their mouths wider.....
Part two to come...
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