Was a very eventful weekend!
Was planning on busing to a beach in the South (mi mama was unimpressed with the water in the P.V beach... it isn{t very nice here but is nice to the South or North).
On Friday I started to freak out about how it was becoming impossible to speak Spanish and how I it looks impossible to go to Oaxaca because apparently they want to charge $700 USD for the round trip!! That is NZ $1000.. No gracias!!
But don{t fear, there is another option that I will reveal as the story unfold
I got a call at about 11am as I was leaving mi casa to head towards the bus.
It was the guy who rents me the house.. unfortunately his live in situation with his boyf wasn{t going to plan and he wanted to move back in (and that I could stay with his ex??boyf, who is a best friend of Amanda and really lovely guy).
I expected this, after my let down information about how it is now impossible to go to another city, that I would cry. But a miracle, the softy (aka me) did not falter. Instead, I turned on RA (aka Roseanne) mode and started packing neatly yet efficiently.
I had all my stuff together, had cleared out the fridge and had the sheets ready to take to the lavenderia (laundry aka laundromat), and was walking over to the ex??boyf-Amanda-amiga house dragging my suitcase and carry-on up the coblestone hill with slight unbalance, I looked at amandas-amigas bright blue house and hoped he didn{t regret letting his now ex pick that colour, and walked right in.
I walked right in on the two of them trying to have a conversacion. The guy who{s house I was now no longer living in (who I thought was at work ) later said to me [You looked uncomfortable* and I was all {Hell yes I looked uncomfortable, you two just broke up, are talking and I just interrupted{ (in my mind only, of course). But I did feel really bad.
So now poor Amanda{sAmiga, who I will call Juan, is now stuck with me!! I feel really bad for him because he probs wants to be alone and now I am behind him everywhere he goes!! It is temporary though, but I love being there already.
Juan did ask me about Oaxaca and then told me that I should take the bus.. this man is my saviour in multiple ways. So I am going to be on the bus for bout 24 hours, to Mexico City and then Oaxaca, but he was telling me that the buses are aircon, bathrooms, tilt your chair back (lean back, lean back, lean back, lean back for those of you who get my Fat Joe references), watch movies.. he says it is better than 1st class on a plane, so dammit I believe him (Nb- He has actually been first class on a plane..fancy).
The next day was Domingo aka Sunday aka yesterday, so Juan, Amanda, Amanda{s sister-in-law Julietta (who lives above Juan with Amanda{s bro and her son Daniel who is 7? and my bff) and I went to a place called Yalapa. We drove south for about 30 mins, then got a boat from that bay, then boated to Yalapa which took about 45mins. The boat ride was very cool.
It was a classic passenger boat, but in saying that I can{t think where you{d see one.. apart from in Pacific Islands.. It has bench seats and seats about 40 anyway... sorry that I am so good and the pointless information team!
What you see on the ride is quite similar to Abel Tasman, although there are some MexiMansions along the way, a few townships and there are palmtrees.
The ocean is a beautiful deep green, similar to AT again but less turqoise.
I took a few photos which I will try and put up.
Side note= I don{t know if I already said but my comp has potentially died, but I am going to try and load my photos on Juans comp and then onto my drive thing)
Yalapa was really neat. The water was quite brown unfortunately, due to the river which comes off the mountains. But it is still really nice. It has about 5 restaurants (which is really just a shade with a small kitchen) and then homes around to the left of the bay. The guys who take the boat over also get your chairs, dig an umbrella hole and take your order for the restaurant. I was confused who was paying some of the people, but it is a community thing they have there which I really liked.
I just did my Spanish homework like the cool kid that I am, and we swam for a bit.. there is no walking out till its deep here, it is alarmingly deep instantly. It is like stepping into a pool. We had some Nachos but they were not very good.
They are made with tostado (thick corn chip type chips... healthy-ish), mashed beans, excessive cheese and not much salsa. I wanted some Sour Cream and Guaccy!
On the boat ride back, Julietta stuck her hand in the water and soaked the two people behind her, who were nicely dressed potentially coming from work or too dinner... they weren{t mad of course, it takes a bit to get Mexicans mad... not including insults on Family or drug wars.
Well, I am back at school now for another week.. now happily planning to go to Oaxaca.
Hasta Luego, have a fab day.
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