So, as I mentioned earlier, I have become the Gary Williams of Mexico, riding around in my highlighter vest. They try and make you wear them after 6pm only, but I wear mine all the time because that is the kind of safety-cautious cat I am.
No one else wears them, not even helmets actually.. but HELL we are on the highway.
Speaking of which, As I was biking across the road yesterday a car could have potentially hit me. Not my fault - this guy must have been going over 200km. It was a terrifying few seconds - he was miles away when I started, but was going at SUCH a ridiculous speed that when I saw him I just looked straight away with the notion *Maybe if he hits me and I am not looking, it will be better...* and just peddled like mad.
The jackass never slowed down, instead blaring on the horn... ahhh I was clearly in the right.
What we did yesterday was head to a beach called AKUMAL to swim with turtles. It was myself, Irish parents and two Turkish lads we met on our tour with the fiesty American in Palenque. When she was fighting one of them was like *Can I go get some food?*, it was quite funny at the time. They love football and Turkish kebabs. They were harping on about how NZ only got into the Soccer world cup because the Aussie team switched divisions or something... and I{m like *Lads, NZers do not care HOW we got there.. they care that we got there*....and were undefeated of course. People do not realise how this has boosted soccer... I think half the country did not realise we had a team.
Anyways, the turtles. This had been recommended to us by the same British girl who said *This is the most ammaaazzzing hostal in the world* about the shabby place in San Cristobal with the U2 poster, the *hummingbirds in the yard* (I wish you knew what she sounded like.. think dreamy, fairy posh-like British) and the crazy wizard with his bread and cheese.
So now we were skeptical of this cockeyed optimists *It was the greatest experience of my life* turtle-swim experience.
But her recommendation came in handy, as the 3 tightarses (say in Irish accent... like Father Ted) remembered the bit about her paying 70 pesos for a mask only.
What happened when we got to the beach (in collectivos, which I was incorrectly calling progressivos... aka White vans that act as public transport) was that the first flax-made stand we came across was a snorkel tour one, where we inquired about equipment... he told us it 70 pesos for the mask, then 50 more for the compulsary life jacket, then 70 more for fins... which we need coz we will get tired... or for 200 pesos we can go on a *tour* with them. Then they made us watch a consrvation video with rules (as it is a ecological park), which reinstated these facts. Plus they wanted a $200 peso deposit. We were all getting all nervous, as we didnñt have enough money.
In the end we got 3 masks, for 70 pesos, but from another guy - A Cuban *New Zealand has nice cheese* - and took turns. This was a brilliant plan, as constructed by the Turkish Engineers.. the irish are Engineers too... they all seem to be different types though.. I do not know as I failed Science (note: doesn{t matter with good old NCEA).
Anyways, turns out we didn{t need all the stuff as the video said, and you only swim about 25 metres before you spot a turtle or too. The video also had rules... no more than 2 mins with one turtle... stand 15 feet back (although you wouldn{t be able to see it), and no more than 8 tourists with one at all times (Roisin said *How many Mexicans?).
These rules were not enforced by the *tour guides*. They made it sound like they go to better places and you see more, but in actual fact - you board a boat, they drive you the 25 m then park and wave you back after an hour. They are their polluting the ocean they showed us the Video about protecting.. I was watching the turtles and breathing in petrol!
They are beautiful though. I have always loved turtles, particularly because they are good luck in Fiji. But these moved so gracefully -and they are all tile-like on their skin. Their necks were particular cool - like scrunched rubber as they move in and out.. .and when they come up for air - Ohhh those little heads. Their were lots of stingrays too, which the whole world should fear... Crikey! They killed Steve Irwin for goodnesssake!
Got to run now, will come back later when the owner is not here... it is like it is his mission to irritate with his endless yelling and snorting and sneezing everywhere... ooo - he is spitting now.
Ps -- Guess it is my NZ birthday?
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